Programming and Consulting Details
At AlignSign we strive to not let the details get in the way of the big picture. Furthermore, we don’t let the technology cloud the thinking. We use the technology to get the job done and help all involved. Primarily we use common sense. We look for existing solutions that solve the problem. When there is nothing that is suitable, we use current software technology such as object oriented programming, database design and programming, information analysis techniques and more.
We have experience in the following areas:
Manufacturing testing and quality assurance applications
CAD databases, CAD and graphics programming
Graphics files such as DXF, DWG, DGN, HPGL, Adobe Illustrator (AI)
Interfaces to coordinate measurement and optical gauging products (OGP)
Image processing
Serial communications and driver development
Database programming
Website development including WordPress
Programming Languages:
Html, C#, C++, Action Script, SQL, and more
Microsoft Visual Studio
Flex Builder Flash Builder AS3 – see example adding machine style calculator with tape
Borland C++